Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cat vs Dog: The Inevitable Collide!

Close your eyes and picture this: an adorable white ball of fluff with a brownish pink nose bouncing around, saying hello and acting like you're its favorite person in the world and just wanting to love you. Meet Sulley, the adorable Pomeranian with loads of energy and spunk! He loves to give kisses (we are working on teaching him to ask first... who wants their kisses stolen! NOT I!), chew on his rawhide, and take long walks on the beach (he also likes to dig in the sand).

                                                      Sulley, Santa's little helper

Ok, close your eyes again and imagine this: a black ball of fluff and the only thing distinguishable are two very large yellow eyes that just stare at you and don't move. Say hello to Arya, more commonly called 'The Princess' (what can we say, she's a bit of a diva!). Good luck trying to catch her unless she's in the mood to cuddle and, if you do manage to catch her, she will be yelling at you until she either gets away, you let her go, or she consoles herself... the last one has yet to ever happen by the way!

                                       Arya with the deer-in-the-headlights-look (camera shy)

If you were to come and visit us, Sulley would be the greeting committee while Arya would be the supervisor (that is kindly saying she will not come near you but will observe your every move). That is just one of the many differences that make them each unique, but so funny to be around! They love to wrestle and play with each other, try and steal each others' food, and see who can annoy the other the most in order to get the whole couch.  

What can I say, they are peas in a pod!

I know it's dark, but they are too cute not to share! Then again, I'm incredibly biased! :-)

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